2016년 12월 26일 월요일


Hello. Its just a question.

In tutorial of TiniWebDB is to old so i can't create a TiniWebDB cause the 'free trial' requiered a credit card and i no have one (im from Venezuela). How i can create a TiniWebDB? Thanks!

don't sign up for the free trial

I do not use TinyWebDB, but probably this setup guide can help?
Hello. Thanks! but i have an error in 23 steph. They redirection me to a Auth Google Page. Ill login but i see this on log:
05:53 PM Getting current resource limits.
Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this
application with the command-line parameter 


And the brownser after login redirect me to:


And i can't access to my own link. U know how to get this done? 

Here are some more recent instructions for setting up a TinyWebDB server, updated on Nov 23, 2015. Please try these newer instructions and let me know if you encounter any difficulties: 

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