2016년 12월 22일 목요일

Touching Canvas with two fingers simultaneously

I'm trying to build a remote controller for drummer robot.

First I set my screen background as a picture of drum set.
Then I covered most of screen with canvas.
However, I was only getting one of my finger's coordinate and not the other finger.
So I tried using image sprite to construct drum set's components but it only recognized one of the sprites being touched even tough I was touching two sprites at the same time.

Most of you guys know that drummer occasionally hit two different or three different components of drum set at the same time.
So I am trying to send data of two or three components being touched simultaneously.
Is there a way to solve this problem?

Thanks for reading my post!

MIT App Inventor does support multi touch unfortunately but there is a work round to get multi touch working on seperate components but not multi touch in a single canvas component

How to get multitouch working for seperate components in an App Inventor project
In MIT App Inventor the target SDK Level is not set which means multitouch doesn't work. What I did was set the target SDK level to 11 in the manifest file before the project is built as and APK. To do this you will need to:

1. Download you project from App inventor
2. You will need to build to project Via a version of appinventor locally installed on you computer
3. Use my AI Manifest Editor software or AppToMarket to modify the AndroidManifest.XML when building the app so you can add the line <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion=11/>

When the app is compiled as and APK you will now have multitouch on seperate components.
For more info about the AI Manifest Editor on this visit my website http://madrobots.wix.com/themadrobot#!ai-manifest-editor/c23po

Please note doing this won't give you mulittouch on a single canvas component, but on multiple components (E.g. 2 button components, 2 canvas components, etc). I have managed get multittouch working on a single Canvas component in my own extended version of App Inventor called Mad Robot AI which you can find out more about on my website www.themadrobot.talktalk.net

Since I'm using AI2, I downloaded AiLiveComplete from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ailivecomplete/files/?source=navbar
I set correct APK build directory and so on.
It seemed like it detected the apk file when I was building apk file for the first time.
But it didn't actually generate .xml file and it doesn't even detect them anymore. 
Do I have to use your ai4a personal server in order to use Manifest?

as Gareth said: Use AI Manifest Editor software or AppToMarket to modify the AndroidManifest


I have tried both, the manifest doesnt run and once finished with the market one it wont install
If I email the apk to you can you run through apptomarket for me
if you have problems using AppToMarket, ask Hossein here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/apptomarket
Please you post your questions relating to AI Manifest Editor in the "The Mad Robot forum"  this way if anyone is looking has the same question they will be able to find the answer.

Here is the link to the forum:


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