2017년 4월 13일 목요일

getclip ERROR 2001 The file could not be found on your device

I have created an app for an Android Samsung cell to record lat. and long. and date-time plus some additional text and post the info using the share function. The app allows you to choose between a photo or a video.
The app works correctly with photos.
With video clips I get the following: ERROR 2001 The file could no be found on your device.

The above address looks a bit strange to me.

Most of the posts that I have found are closed. Is there a solution?
Is there a way to manipulate the address so that share will find the file?

Show some of your code, particularly the part where you try to retrieve (use) the video's  .  Where are you storing the video's.?..App Inventor MUST know the entire path to the file.

You probably have not correctly named the path to the video file you want.  Be aware, Android files are case sensitive...what this means is if you request  MyVideo.mp4     and the video is named myvideo.mp4,  AI2 can not find the file because you have not myvideo file.

Because you are using the Share component, is it possible that the video has not yet been transferred to your device?

Do you know how to use the debugging tool called  DoIt .... it is part of the AI2 system..  Using DoIt might help you identify the issue and knowing if the file you are trying to grab comes from the Sharing component links.

Post some blocks and someone will probably provide you with specific advice.

With video clips I get the following: ERROR 2001 The file could no be found on your device.
not possible currently


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