2017년 7월 4일 화요일


The Arduino101Gyroscope component lets users configure the Arduino 101's on-board gyroscope and receive one or more gyroscope samples via the appropriate methods.
More links:
⦁ View the sample project for the Arduino 101 Gyroscope.
⦁ View the how to instructions for the Arduino 101 Gyroscope.


⦁ BluetoothDevice – The BluetoothLE component with a connection to the Arduino 101.

get Arduino101Gyroscope1 BluetoothDevice
set Arduino101Gyroscope1 BluetoothDevice  to


⦁ IsSupported – Check whether the feature is currently available for the device connected via theBluetoothDevice property. If no device is currently connected, this method will always return false.

call Arduino101Gyroscope1 IsSupported
⦁ ReadGyroscopeData – Read a single sample of gyroscope data from the Arduino. On successful read, theGyroscopeDataReceived event will be run.
call Arduino101Gyroscope1 ReadGyroscopeData
⦁ RequestGyroscopeDataUpdates – Request notifications of changes in the Arduino's gyroscope. Gyroscope data will be reported through the GyroscopeDataReceived event.
call Arduino101Gyroscope1 RequestGyroscopeDataUpdates
⦁ StopGyroscopeDataUpdates – Stop receiving updates from the Arduino's gyroscope. Note that there may be pending messages from the device that will still be reported through the GyroscopeDataReceived event. This method has no effect if RequestGyroscopeDataUpdates has not been previously called.
call Arduino101Gyroscope1 StopGyroscopeDataUpdates


⦁ GyroscopeDataReceived – The GyroscopeDataReceived event is run whenever gyroscope samples are received from the Arduino 101. This is usually a result of performing a read or request operation. The X and Y angles are reported in degrees.

   ⚬ X_Angle (number) — The rotation of the device around its X axis, in degrees.
   ⚬ Y_Angle (number) — The rotation of the device around its Y axis, in degrees.

when Arduino101Gyroscope1 GyroscopeDataReceived X_Angle Y_Angle do

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